Unlikely Story

In the middle of January, we were shooting photos for my column in Lehigh Valley Style in a bookstore in Easton. I changed outfits next to the history books and me and Colin wandered into the alley. “Stand there, look happy”, he said when I crunched my way into a pile of ice-snow almost up to my knees and he took a few quick shots before the bitter biting winter air hurt too much to pretend it was Spring.

Unknown to either of us, one of those photos became the May 2015 cover of Style. It is Colin’s first cover (something he has wanted for two years), and mine too (something I didn’t think was possible?). Surprise!

lvstylemay2015 cover In a year of so much loss, of leaving behind or moving on from so many of the things that were a part of me for so long, I have spent the last six months remembering how to be alone; how to find community when you leave the town where you lived for a decade; how to take a break from creative projects and hold on to the truth that it doesn’t mean they will crumble or you will be forgotten; how to focus on love for those who mean the most to me – to allow love to change when the time for change has come, to find it in my friends and my family and my friends who have become my family, to be surprised back into passion; to remember that things change but our value doesn’t increase or lessen because of it.

It has not been easy. Important things never are.

But I have found, over and over, that just when we are about to give up on ourselves something happens that reminds us that we are enough. That we will be OK, and we are already OK.


On Tuesday, May 12th, the magazine is having it’s monthly Insider Happy Hour, which is a FREE event and open to EVERYONE. You can wear a fancy outfit and bring a few dollars for drinks, and we can hug each other and get our pictures taken for the magazine. I hope to see you there!

You can get more information here: LV Style Insider Happy Hour

And find out more about Colin’s work: Colin Coleman Photography

I Love Post It Notes (Especially When They Say Nice Things About My Food)

For those of you in the Lehigh Valley, keep an eye out on newsstands in about a week for the May Issue of Lehigh Valley Style magazine, which will feature three of my recipes! Holy gosh, I still can’t believe it.

Megan is the sweetheart assistant editor over there, and she sent this AWESOME photo to my email late last week before the issue went off to print. It has a little note from their proofreader attached – she made one of the recipes and said it was “amazing!”

The use of the word “amazing” AND an exclamation point is the best compliment!

Today I’m playing around with brand new, never before seen (or cooked) recipes to share on the blog and add to the menu. Thank you everybody for your truly incredible support. I’ve never meant anything more.