Thankful Thursday: 7 September 2012

Today’s Thankful Thursday (on, ahem, Friday) comes from a need to slooowwww down. Times like these call for a good trip to the library, where think I got the best seat in the house! That’s a start. Today I’m remembering the best parts of the last few weeks, beginning with something beautiful I found a few moments ago.

“There are two ways to spread happiness. Either be the light who shines or the mirror who reflects it” – Edith Wharton

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LoveList: September 07, 2012.

{This rainbow of lines drawn in pen inside a 1962 copy of “Something Wicked This Way Comes” from the library.}

{Last week I went to write at an outdoor mall and sopping wet children fresh from the fountain came up to tap on my keyboard and make jumbles of letters. Water dripped from their chins when they smiled.}

{Picked up this soda, first for it’s package design, second for it’s color and third for it’s delightful flavor combination: grapefruit + chamomile + cardamom. The others are equally lovely.}

{While taping for STK! Episode 5 (it airs this Sunday!), chef Wendy brought her Vitamix into the garden to make some food. She was walking through the veggies with that huge knife, hacking tomatoes from their vines in a strange vegan, local, organic, DIY, insert-other-word-here Children of the Corn-esque scene.}

{We had a steering committee meeting for the Bethlehem Food Co-op at Robin’s house, which is one of the most gorgeous, covetable homes in the entire Valley. There is strange and lovely art everywhere and it’s full of love from a family that is, no surprise, also full of love and creativity. Plus, she made vegan carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Everyone had seconds.}

{I went with Christian to be photographed for the cover the The Mix weekly paper, and for a few hours we made faces and smirked at cameras. It was such fun to be in a room with friends, reaching for imaginary apple trees and trying not to laugh. Behind-the-scenes photos are HERE.}

{… and somehow, Fall happened.}